RT @XHNews: 1,090 medics were leaving Wuhan as they successfully completed their medical assistance mission. Many broke down in tears as they left their battlefield. #COVID19 #coronavirus https://t.co/AidJfUHG1T

1,090 medics were leaving Wuhan as they successfully completed their medical assistance mission. Many broke down in tears as they left their battlefield. #COVID19 #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/AidJfUHG1T — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) March 31, 2020 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/pimcbe

RT @emmccatt: I know it’s a scary time but I worry that tweets aimed at teachers telling them that they’re not all going to survive won’t do anyone’s mental health any good. We can be realistic without being sensationalist. Let’s look after each other without promoting unnecessary fear.

I know it's a scary time but I worry that tweets aimed at teachers telling them that they're not all going to survive won't do anyone's mental health any good. We can be realistic without being sensationalist. Let's look after each other without promoting unnecessary fear. — Emma Cate (@emmccatt) March 30, 2020 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from…